Subject: This Took Me By Surprise [Your Survey Results]...

I hope you've been enjoying Glorious Goodwood so far this week...

Your completed surveys have been pouring in over the last couple of days, and I have to admit, some of the results aren't exactly what I expected....

Firstly, over 60% have stated you enjoy betting on football...

Second, 73% of you prefer to invest under £500 per betting strategy...

And finally, only 23% of you will run a betting bank all the way to zero...

Well, that last bit was somewhat expected at least...

Anyway, this is all very interesting and it seems to have aligned closely with something I've personally been searching for recently...

By now I'm sure it's no secret that I'm not the best man to ask about football. And I was definately out of pocket from my football wagers by the end of last years season...

Mainly by blindly betting on my team Newcastle United, mind you...

So for this season, I've been looking for a solid tipping service to improve my betting game when it comes to the worlds most popular sport...

And I think I've found just the thing. It's called Bank Builder from the Football Advisor team, a unique and innovative football betting strategy...

Launched mid-way through the 2017/18 season, it generated an overall profit of 364.7 points, across the four active Cycles that they ran last year...

That means if you'd started with £500, you'd have ended with £2,323.50...

With a full season ahead, they are expecting to run between 6 and 10 cycles over the 2018/19 season... 

Here are some of the interesting features of Bank Builder:

 - Build a small betting bank quickly

 - Give your existing betting bank a boost

 - Diversify you betting portfolio and add another consistent profit stream

I've been warned 85% of the members from last year have already signed on again this year, but they have decided to open a limited number of spots for new members to join them this season...

And the team have included some pretty impressive guarantees, to put our mind at ease:

- Guaranteed to double your betting bank.

- Guaranteed that you will never go bankrupt or lose all of your betting bank.

- You will win between 80% and 95% of all of your bets.

All things considered, this is definately the best I have found during my football tipping search, and I've therefore decided to give it a go for the upcoming season...

If you'd like to follow me in, you can do so below...

>>> Secure Your Seat For Cycle 1 Here

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing

P.S. here's some member feedback from last year:

I thought you might like to know how I have been getting on with Bank Builder. I have just completed my Cycle 4
Cycle 2,3 and now 4 have done better than I could have ever expected delivering total profits of £3403. I have just been using your system but on some occasions have got better odds which certainly accelerates things and explains why I will be entering my 5th cycle this week.
So as of today I am in total profit of £2,270 after 5 months including Cycle 1 and have a return on investment of 56%
Richard B.
I've been really happy with the Bank Builder service. Despite the early troubles it's proven very profitable for me. I like the model and it's simplicity and I've now started using the same approach on some north american sports with great results.
Keep up the great work, I'll definitely be back next season!
Andy P.

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