Subject: The next Big Thing in Mobile Gaming...


I'd like to share something a bit different with you's fun, completely free and gives us the ability to earn impressive giveaways, and even win some cash too!

So What Is It?

Have you heard of the brand new Sports App that's being released soon? It's called FireFan, and looks to be the next big thing for mobile sports gaming.

It's been designed by Mark Mongie who headed the team at EA Sports and made "Madden" the number one sports game in the world. 

They've already spent $30 million developing it and have players in over 200 countries before it's even been launched.

So in's kind of a big deal!

Why Are You Telling Me About This?

It's free to download, free to play and by playing it you earn tokens that can be exchanged for real life stuff. 

Anything from hats, t-shirts and iPads, to tickets to your favourite sports games, airline tickets, hotel stays, holidays etc... All For Free

You'll even be able to share the App with your friends, and by doing so earn more tokens and get more freebies!

How Do I Get Involved?

By pre-registering now (which takes about 30 seconds), you'll be given a bunch of free tokens as soon as the App launches, plus you'll be entered into a prize draw to win £350 cash at the end of October.

I'm all registered and set to get playing as soon as it's released...I really want a Free iPad!

All the Best,
Lucrative Racing Trust

p.s. although the App won't have horse racing from the get go, they will be adding new sports ongoing. But, there will be plenty of sports to play with including Football, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, F1 etc. 
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