Subject: The REAL Reason Most Sports Bettors Lose...

Being a stats nerd, I've been spending a LOT of time (probably too much, to be honest) pouring over your survey answers, and compiling them into an easier to digest format...

One of the things I found most interesting is when you answered the question:

"Do you typically produce a profit from your betting each year?"

As many of you already know, the best estimates state that only 1-2% of bettors manage to turn a long term profit...

So lets firstly compare that to our free subscribers...
It turns out 29.7% of you produce a profit from your betting on a typical year, while 60.3% don't, and 10% prefer not to say (or may be unsure)...

All things considered, a jump from 1-2% to almost 30% is pretty good going considering this only includes readers who aren't receiving our exclusive "members only" content...

However, if we then look at the stats from our member community...
That figure jumps up again, this time from 30% all the way to 97.3%!

This strongly suggests that, while there may be plenty of reasons why 60.3% of you aren't bringing home a profit from your betting each year...

...The main reason is because you aren't one of our "Elite" members, and therefore don't have access to our best strategies and tips...

So, if there's one piece of advice I can give based on your survey answers, it wouldn't be about treating your betting as an investment, or being consistent, or searching for value...

...not because all of these things aren't important, they most definitely are...

...But as it turns out, the most important action you can take right now, is to invest a small portion of your bankroll in a proven profitable service...

It's really as simple as that.

And the best way to get started is to...

We've put together something pretty unique for you here, and we're starting on Monday so registration will have to close tomorrow...apologies for the late notice!

Lucrative Racing
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