Subject: The Quick and Easy way to Start Profiting Today...

Hi Friend,

How many of us want to put to rest those money worries by earning a tidy extra income from our betting? ...

All of us, am I right? I mean, who wouldn't? ...

Running a betting related business for many years has given me insight on the common issues people experience when trying to profit from betting...

Limited time to spare, inability to place bets due to work, uncertainty due to inexperience, and fear of losing money...

I'm sure most of us experience at least one of these  betting roadblocks. Luckily, The Shortlist removes most if not all of these issues...

Here's a few of the most commonly asked questions I've had recently...

'Can I use this if I work during the day?' ...

Yes! I post each days Shortlist to a secure members area before 10am each morning, which can be accessed from any computer, smartphone or tablet so you can use it on the go.

'I'm busy! How long will this take me?' ...

The Shortlist takes as little as five minutes per day to use, and the service runs Monday-Saturday, so only half an hour per week.

'I have no experience betting, how easy if this to use?' ...

All you need to get started is an internet connection; this is really as easy as...

1. Check the days qualifying bets...
2. Place your bets..
3. Watch the profit roll in.

'How risky is this? I don't want to lose money!' ...

I'm going to level with you - betting is a 'high risk' form of investment, which is why the potential returns are so high...

However, The Shortlist is designed to reduce that risk using it's solid 36.46% strike rate. This helps to avoid longer losing runs, and therefore protects your bankroll...

As you can see, The Shortlist addresses all of these common issues. So why not put it to the test and see what you think?...

Lucrative Racing

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