Subject: The November Agenda...

As you're probably well-aware, a second national lockdown comes into force today here in England, for the next 4 weeks...

While It's a far-from-ideal situation for all of us, there is a silver lining to be found with most sporting events being allowed to go ahead as planned...

And that includes Racing...phew!

So, if you'll be spending much of the next four weeks at home, you might as well enjoy some top-notch racing now the NH season is well underway...

And if you're planning to bet, you might as well bet to profit!

With that in mind, here's what we'll be sharing to help you do just that in the coming weeks...

- Festival Tipping. We'll have daily selections for The Open at Cheltenham next weekend, and Newbury's Winter Carnival later this month too...stay tuned!

 - Weekly Scoop6 Syndicate. We bagged another 3 wins and 2 close seconds last Saturday, and you can find out more about this service / register for this weeks play HERE.

- Racing Portfolio Trials. This is our flagship service and includes tipping strategies for Hurdles, All Weather, and NH Flat racing. 

We've planned to make a limited number of trial memberships available later this month. It'll be first come, first served so be sure keep an eye on these emails if you're interested.

As always, I hope you're keeping safe and well.

Warm Regards,,
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team
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