Subject: The Call To Adventure...

Hi Friend, I thought I'd check in and see how you're doing...

Things aren't going too badly here...actually, life isn't all that different for someone who's been working from home for 8 years!

With Irish Racing limping on for the time being, I've still got some work to be getting on with in the mornings, and seeing as the weather's improving I've finally started to de-jungle the garden.

Me and my partner have also been making some important plans for the coming months...

...and that's what I'd like to talk about today...

What do you have planned for the next few months?

Chances are you're going to be cooped up in the house a lot more than usual, and while relaxing and binge-watching tv may be fun for a while, eventually it's going to lose its appeal.

Personally, I'm not content unless I'm being productive, so have been wondering if there is anything non-racing related I can share, that will ultimately be of benefit to you.

One thing in particular stands out...

The reason I've been able to work from home since 2012 is by finding ways to earn money with little more than a laptop, an internet connection, and a (moderately) functioning brain...

And while I've shared plenty of information about how I've achieved this in the Horse Racing world, I've never shared how I turned that skill-set into a successful business.

It's strange, when I think about it...

Not only does my business generate more income than my betting ever's probably around 20-25% betting, and 75-80% business...

But unlike income from betting, which often involves short periods of winning big, followed by longer periods of breaking even or even losing a little...

Income from running a business is much more reliable, and therefore can be used for the essential things in life... the mortgage, rent, food, car payments, and so on.

Considering the way the economy is going at the moment, the ability to earn enough to cover the essentials and provide for your family is more important than ever...

And there is a way to do this from your own home, without relying on an employer or government relief, and despite what the current pandemic is likely to throw at us in the coming months...

I'm talking about complete self-reliance.

This is a genuine call-to-adventure that I really hope you'll be interested in. If you are, here's what to do...

For now, I'd like to get a gauge of how many people are interested in learning how to create a succesful digital business, like the one I've just described...

To do that, hit the reply button with a simple "count me in"

If you have anything specific in mind you'd like me to cover, please share it and I'll do my best to help.

Hope you're well,
Michael Carr
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