Subject: Scoop6 Plan | Starting 24th September ...

Good News Friend...

Following on from our last Scoop6 update (if you missed it, please read that first HERE), we now have a plan in place...

While we're still in the process of getting the service set up on our website, we will have everything prepped and ready to go next week.

The short break may actually prove to be a blessing in disguise...

Last weekend for example, with UK racing off on Friday and Saturday the Scoop6 had to moved to Sunday, and then the 2nd race was won by 50/1 shot Dexter Belle which put paid to all 7,397 tickets! ...

Needless to say, we saved ourselves some pocket-money there.

Ok, here's the plan...

The date for your diary is Saturday 24th September.

For our weekly subscribers, we will resume you subscriptions early next week, to allow our payment system time to collect your shares before Saturday 24th. You therefore do not need to take any action.

For our members who purchase shares manually each week, we plan to open registration again on Wednesday 21st and will send you the link to purchase your shares then.

We're really excited to get started again next week, and hope you are too!

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing

p.s. apologies if you receive this email twice - we had a handful of members who missed our last email and we want to make sure everyone gets this one.
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.