Subject: October's Results Are In...Here's The Stats...

Today's Racing Portfolio selections have just been posted...

The results for October are in, and here's what our two core strategies have produced during the first official National Hunt month...

Hurdle Heroes
Winning bets: 35
Strike rate: 43.75%
P/L: +48.75 points
Return on stakes invested: 61%
Profit at £10 / point: £487.50

All Weather Warriors
Winning bets: 10
Strike rate: 34.48%
P/L: +41.5 points
Return on stakes invested: 143%
Profit at £10 / point: £415

That's a combined profit of 90.25 points, £902.50 staking just £10 / point...

If you haven't joined us yet, you're missing out on one of the fastest & easiest ways to profit this season...

Remember, if you decide it's not for you after 30 days, I'll be happy to refund you 100%...No questions asked.

Let's make this a season to remember!

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