Subject: [OFFER] Save 57% On Your Shortlist Membership...

I hope you've been enjoying a promising first month with The Shortlist...

September's results, our quarterly review, and Current Trend updates are now available to view in your members area. By popular request, I've also added a current odds trend, if you're interested.

Now that we're well past the trial period, I hope it's fairly safe to assume your planning to be with us for the foreseeable future...

And I'd therefore like to give you the opportunity to reduce your future membership fees by up to 57%...

Sound good? Ok, here's how...

The majority of members are currently on a monthly subscription, which costs £39 per month. Over the course of a year, this adds up to £468.

If you upgrade to an annual subscription, you'll pay just £299 for the year, which represents a saving of 36% in and of itself...
And as an additional thank you for upgrading...

For the next few days I've decided to throw in the Trainer Treasures Tipping Service with your upgrade...

This additional service provides each days selections from eight profitable trainer angles, and has generated 231.94 points level stakes profit so far in 2018.

Trainer Treasures isn't currently available for sale on the website, but I am planning to offer this up at around £19 per month (possibly more) in the near future...

So very soon, you'll pay at least £228 per year for access to Trainer Treasures. On top of your Shortlist membership, this means you'd be forking out a hefty £696 in fees each year...

But right now, you can secure an annual membership to both The Shortlist and Trainer Treasures for just £299...
If you plan to be with us for any length of time, this is by far the best value for money option available to you...

But this deal is only available until Wednesday, so don't miss it.

Thanks in advance,
Lucrative Racing

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