Subject: NO SCOOP6 TOMORROW - Please Read The Email...

Hi again Friend,

We have just received word from David who manages the Scoop6 fund, that we won't be able to enter tomorrow's Scoop6 due to a blocked bank account! ...

Rest assured your share payments are completely safe, and we plan to put them towards next Saturday's Scoop6 assuming the issue has been resolved by then...

If for any reason you need your share purchase refunded, please let us know and we will process this for you asap.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused,
Michael & The Lucrative Racing Team 

P.S. Please see David's message below for full details of the issue:


We are going to be unable to enter tomorrow's Scoop6, as our bank account has been temporarily blocked.

We have spent a total of two hours on hold to the bank this week, to try to discuss the issue but we're just getting a scripted response which tells us nothing.

We understand from our specialist lawyers that the bank has to unblock the account after a maximum of 7 working days of investigation and as far as we are concerned, today is the 7th working day but the account still remains blocked. We hope that this will change in the next few days, in time for next Saturday. Apparently, this happens to around 500,000 bank accounts every year.

We did of course plan to substitute our bank account with our business Paypal account and to run the Scoop6 from that.

However, we have just found out today that Paypal will not allow our independent bookmaker to open an account so we can't pay them from our Paypal account.

We have also asked Bet365 for permission to deposit up to £10,000 from our Paypal account and to place a Scoop6 bet up to that amount and they have refused.

So, at this stage, there is no way we can place a Scoop6 bet tomorrow.

I would like to assure all of you that your money remains completely safe. Our plan is to wait until our bank account is unblocked and to then use share payments to date on the next Saturday's bet.

Of course, if anyone needs a refund please can let us know.

All the best!
David Leslie"
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