Subject: Move Fast For Your 7 Day Free Trial...

As promised, I've just re-opened the doors to my most profitable membership service...

This service has produced the bulk my betting profit so far in 2018, so it's well worth checking out...

We have some excellent racing on over the coming week, including the Boodles May Festival over at Chester...

Historically, we've performed very well at this meeting so this is an ideal time to test out the service for yourself...

To make this an easy decision, If you sign up today you'll get completely free access for the next 7 days...

If for any reason the free trial offer isn't showing when you go to sign up, please enter the code BLFREETRIAL in the coupon box to apply the offer.

I have a limited number of member spaces available, so I recommend taking action now to avoid missing out.

Kind Regards,

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