Subject: Member Notice: Temporary Dip In Performance...

I've received a few emails recently regarding the recent dip in performance for some of our membership services.

So why has the performance dipped, and what's the best course of action to take? ...

As mentioned briefly in my recent quarterly reviews (available on the relevant service page, in the results tab), a temporary dip in performance is expected, in line with last years trend.

Generally, our national hunt performance is a little better than the flat, but particularly the transition from NH to Flat season seems to be tricky, with many runners without a great deal of recent form to draw upon for analysis.

Last year, this manifested as a temporary drawdown during this transition, the size and length of which depends on the specific service used.

This year, I'm aiming to offset this as much as possible, by focusing on the best performing races and runners, according to the trends I've identified from last years results.

However, we may still have to suffer a temporary dip in performance during the transition between seasons... 

As always, patience pays and it’s therefore just a case of weathering the storm, until the performance rights itself again.

Judging by last year, we should start to see an improvement by months end.

Thanks for your patience and support in the meantime.

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing

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