Subject: Mark Just Won £1,925 From A £5 Wager!!! ...

Friend, I just wanted to share a quick success story with you from one of my long term members, Mark Fisher...

Just last week (Ladies Day at Royal Ascot), the selections I posted using the bet finding process I showed you in my recent training webinar, gave one of my members a whopping £1,925 win from a £5 wager...

The race in question: The 3:40 Ribblesdale Stakes...

The selections: Well, I'd shortlisted three strong contenders in the race: Star Catcher, Fleeting, and Sparkle Roll...

But, all three looked in with a solid chance, so I left it at that and posted them to the members area...

Later that day, I received an unexpected email from Mark who had this to say...

"Hi Michael, you'll never guess what just happened today? I've been trying my luck with a few forecast bets at Ascot, whenever you've been posting two or more selections in the same race...

So I had a cheeky fiver on a Tricast for the 3:40 - Star Catcher, Fleeting & Sparkle Roll. Well, you probably saw the race and know what I'm going to say next...


I've just won £1,925 from a fiver bet...can't believe it! A HUGE thanks & keep up the good work!"

Needless to say, I was very excited for Mark getting such a big payout from from a single bet...

And this is just one example of what's possible when you start using the bet finding strategies I shared with you recently in my webinar...

Now obviously,

Winners at 384/1 don't come round every day...

But what this process does, is massively increase your ability to find winning bets. And once you've learned that skill, and started implementing it in your betting... 

You'll be surprised at how many Big-Win opportunities will start to present themselves to you...the sky really is the limit!

That being said, a quick word of warning...

The replay of my training webinar, where you can learn this exact skill-set, is only available until tomorrow...

These kinds of results are reserved for people who are eager and willing to take the actions required to substantially improve their betting.

Do you have what it takes? Watch the webinar to find out.

Thanks In advance,

 - Michael Carr

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