Subject: I've just added a new training video....

I've had a few emails from members recently highlighting an important issue...

The "create your own betting strategies" series involves the use of a database of racing stats called Horseracebase...

If you've attempted to sign up for a free trial in the past few days, you may have arrived at a page stating "we aren't currently taking on new members"...

This will likely only affect you if you joined towards the end of last weeks launch, or haven't yet attempted to sign up to Horseracebase. However, it's definately an issue that needs addressed...

So what should we do? ...

The first thing to note is that this is only a temporary setback, as the doors will likely open again in the next 2-3 weeks...

But I know many of you want to start creating your strategies right away...

To that end, I've just uploaded a new video to the create your own series...Training Video 2.5 - What Are The Alternatives? ...

In this session, I go through our options and share an alternate we can use until our preferred database opens it's doors again...

Please login to your members account at and go to create your own to give it a watch.

Of course, if you're just focusing on the "ready-made" tipping service included with Racing Revolution, this issue will not affect you in any way.

Kind regards,
Lucrative Racing
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