Subject: Is It Worth "Going All In" At Festivals?

I've had a few people asking if it's really worth "going-all-in" at racing festivals...

There's a certain buzz-in-the-air that accompanies big festivals like Royal Ascot, and even though it's been dampened a bit this year with no spectators at the course, there's still a tangible pull towards wagering more than we normally would...

But by "going-all-in", we're obviously not referring to throwing all your money on a horse and praying it wins! 

Rather, is it worth placing a higher number of bets, and potentially investing in a premium tipping service, if you normally stick to one or two wagers per day, and free services / finding your own bets?

When you distill this down, what you should really be asking is... 

How much do I want to make, and what am I willing to do to make it?

The truth is, it's not that difficult to turn a substantial profit betting festivals if you're willing to invest in a proven service, that provides a reasonably high number of selections...

Let me give you a quick example...

If we compare our free daily tipping service to our premium festival service, here was the difference at Cheltenham this year...

Cheltenham 2020 - Festival Bets
selections: 44
10 wins, 10 placed
P/L: +49.88 pts, £498.80 at £10 stakes

Cheltenham 2020 - Lucrative Tips
selections: 4
2 wins, 1 placed
P/L: +19 pts, £190 at £10 stakes

And here's the difference at The Guineas earlier this month...

The Guineas - Festival Bets
selections: 30
5 wins, 9 placed
P/L: +18.28 pts, £182.80 to £10 stakes

The Guineas - Lucrative Tips
selections: 2
0 wins, 2 placed
P/L: +2.88 pts, £28.80 to £10 stakes

The take-home point from the above figures is this; as long as the strategy you use is profitable, the more bets you're able to place the more money you're going to make.

While this may not be music to your ears; after corresponding with thousands of punters over the years, I think I'd be right in saying the vast majority feel more comfortable placing fewer wagers...

But like most things in life, succeeding in betting often involves moving beyond your comfort zone, and journeying to where the profit is, rather than trying to force it to come to you.

So, If you'd like to "go-all-in" and start winning a great deal more from racing festivals from now on, you can...

Alternatively, If you'd prefer to continue betting less and winning less...

CLICK HERE To View Todays Tip

Kind Regards,
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team
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