Subject: INDISPUTABLE Proof That This Really Works...

It's tough question time Friend...

I've had some messages that are proving really difficult to answer by email, but the topics deserve to be addressed...

Here's one that stood out...

"In over 30 odd years I have yet to find anything that has run at a profit. I've lost too much in the past following bets to actually trust anyone anymore. So sorry to be pessimistic but I'm sure I'm not the first and won't be the last to have this opinion."

So I've had a think, and here's what I've come up with...

I decided to record a Q&A session, so I can address some of your more difficult questions and feedback "in person"...

I cover several different topics in the session...

Including how time-consuming the service is to use, and whether it will work if you've already been "gubbed" by the bookie...

...but really, my main aim is to provide you with indisputable proof that these strategies will give you REAL results...

In the 15+ years I've been in the betting game, I've yet to see anyone else offer up this kind of concrete evidence...

Kind Regards,

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