Subject: I Challenge You To Win 3K In 3 Months...

Would You Like To Clear 3K In Betting Profit In The Next 3 Months? ...

Well that's the aim of the game in the brand new and exciting venture I've just finished putting together...

It's called The 3K Racing Challenge, where myself and a small group of racing enthusiasts like you, are challenging ourselves to take our betting game to the next level...

Now at this point you may be thinking...

How on earth am I going to clear £3,000 in betting profit within 3 months?...

Well, this involves a new approach to finding profitable bets that I've been developing since late 2017...

And after several months of testing, I'm happy to tell you that our 3K target profit is firmly based on the performance seen so far...

I've just finished putting together a short video tutorial, where you can get all the details on the method, the results seen so far, and how you can take the challenge...

I have confidence that using the excellent resources we have at our disposal, we can complete the challenge within our target time-frame, assuming the performance continues in line with previous results. 

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing
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