Subject: How To Bank An Extra £200 - £500 Per Month...

Love is in the air, and I've got a special Valentines day treat for you ...

Instead of getting all gushy, I'd like to share an opportunity for you to increase your profit over the coming months...

The name is Luke Martin, and naturally the game is Horse Racing. He's a pro-punter who repeatedly cashes in at the bookies and now he's back from his travels, he's willing to share his horse racing tips with you...

Now this isn't a get rich quick scheme, and he's not promising that he'll make you millions, but what he can provide is an easy way for you to bank an extra £200 to £500 per month by following his racing bets at £10 stakes...

He's been proofed by Betting Weekly to ensure that he is indeed profitable and is not yet another conman who proclaims to win at the races making you thousands a month for you to then end up out of pocket...

Betting Weekly have been impressed by his results and have seen genuine profits since placing his bets...

You may then ask, if he is so good, then why does he need to sell his tips?...

Good question. Luke himself only bets at £10 stakes just like what he recommends to his members, and based on that he averages as mentioned earlier between £200 to £500 a month... 

Perhaps enough to cover a large part of the rent or mortgage, but not enough to pack in the day job. Hence the reason for selling his tips to help himself out a bit more financially, and in the process help others out...

Sounds pretty reasonable if you ask me...

Based on his profits you could always increase the stake and make more if you wish, for example at £50 stakes you could be bringing home an extra £1,000 to £2,500 a month should you have that kind of bankroll to invest...

If you'd like to give Luke's service a go, I've secured you a trial period of 7 days to try it out for just £1. Following that, the subscription defaults to it's standard price of £33 per month but you're free to cancel at anytime...

There's also a generous 60 day guarantee in place, just in case all doesn't go to plan...

>>> Follow This Link To Secure Your 7 Day Trial

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing Trust

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