Subject: Here's What The Worlds Best Investor Says...

Hi ,

As you probably know, Warren Buffet is arguably the most successful investor the world has ever seen...

But what you might not know, is that he is famous for having just 2 rules for investing…

Rule No.1: Never Lose Money

Rule No.2: Don’t Forget Rule No.1

It's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but he makes a very important point...

Before we even start thinking about the big winners and profits, we need to learn how to stop losing money because that’s what the vast majority of sports punters are doing every single day...

And the way I see people losing money the most, is something I call the "Wheel Of Misfortune"...

What happens is this…

You start using a new system or tipster, and you follow the bets for a little while but then you start to notice the results aren’t nearly as good as you'd expected...

So you get bored, you get sick of placing the bets, and then at some point you hit a bad losing run and that’s the last straw, so you stop completely...

Meanwhile a newer, better system or tipster catches your attention, so you decide to give this a go instead and the same process starts all over again...

Round and round you go, and by the end of the year you’re down hundreds if not thousands! ...

Have you ever experienced something similar to this? ...

If you answered yes, then you're in the majority…

The VAST majority...

In fact, thousands of other punters are stuck playing the wheel of misfortune right now, and most of them are going to stay there...

I’ve been there too...

I spent my first five years betting doing this sort of thing, and I lost a LOT of money - around £30,000 in total - and it still puts a sour taste in my mouth when I think about it...

But luckily for us, there is a MUCH better way

Discover How To Finally Start Winning HERE >>>

Kind Regards,

Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team