Subject: Here's The REAL Secret To Betting Success...

If you've been following my emails over the past couple of weeks, by now you'll know how to avoid the major pitfalls that 99% of punters fall foul of....

And how the 1% are able to attain what the 99% never can, substantial betting profit...

But there's one integral factor I haven't yet made mention of, and it really comes down to this...

Successful punters ACT when the right opportunity presents itself...

And this requires being open minded and willing enough to test something out for yourself, instead of reverting to your primitive "automatic rejection" mode...

I see this problem whenever I receive an email, always from someone who has never even tried any of the services I offer, saying things like...

"You're wasting your time mate. No-one can beat the bookies." ...

Or the old classic..."Betting's A Mugs Game!" ...

So I try to point out that betting is only a "mugs game" if you act like one. After which I refer them to the research...

Live testing results, performance reviews, my betting account history videos etc...

But, these people tend to be as stubborn as mules, and they therefore are never even willing to try something new...

Sigh, some people just can't be helped! ...

So the real question here is, which are you going go be? ...

Or do nothing, and stay in the "failed punter" camp forever.

Your call.

Lucrative Racing

P.S. Due to exceptionally high demand, I am having to close the doors to The Shortlist TODAY. So it's now or never, I'm afraid.

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