Subject: Here's How To Swap £97 For £500 (or more)...

Find Out How To Swap £97 For £500+ Here...
I'd like to invite you to join me for a new and exciting venture this festive season...

It's exciting because we've been hard at work, and spent A LOT of time and effort meticulously researching, collecting data, and testing new strategies to see what actually works...

"Huh...that doesn't sound very exciting!" ...

Well, maybe not. But what is, is that we've found something very promising and now have a full years worth of results to draw our conclusions on. Here's the headline figures...

 - 326.4 points profit (1pt level stakes)

 - £6,528 profit at £20 stakes

 - 40% strike rate

 - 23.78% return on stakes invested

All from a single strategy that generates 3 - 5 horse racing bets per day (mon - sat)...

"Ok, it looks pretty good, but what makes it different to other proven strategies out there?" ...

Well, there is ONE major difference...

Since the testing results have been so good, I've decided to offer you something I feel is pretty unique in the betting world...

With Race Elite, You Only Pay For Performance...

This new venture will run in betting cycles with a profit target of 50 points (again, 1pt level stakes). In other words, this is your opportunity to secure 50 points profit for a one-time fee...

I've made this as affordable as I can, and set the fee at just £97 per betting cycle. That works out at under £2 per point profit, which for you means...

Wager £10 stakes to earn 5X your fee, and swap £97 for £500...

Wager £20 stakes to earn 10X your fee, and swap £97 for £1,000...

Or, for the big hitters, wager £50 stakes to earn a massive 25X your fee, and swap £97 for £2,500! ...

The starting gun will fire on Monday, but registration will close tomorrow at the latest, so I have time to do the necessary admin before opening day.
Thanks in advance,
Lucrative Racing

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