Subject: Here's How I Won Over 50K...

About a decade ago, I was working as a barman in Newcastle city centre, and was earning about £14,000 per year…

I was really into my betting, especially the horses, but had never made any money from fact, I was in the hole for the best part of £30,000! ...

If you're wondering where that money came from, well, it was mainly student loans and overdrafts (terrible, I know!)...

Luckily, soon after that I discovered the concept of value. Learning how to spot a value bet allowed me to turn my woeful gambling habit into a profit-pumping machine...

Just 3 years later, I was over £50,000 up (£51,139 to be exact), and in all honesty could barely believe it...

But How Did I Do It? ...

It's actually pretty simple...

After scraping together a bankroll, I used my new skill-set to identify horses that were priced much higher than they should be, and started off staking £10 per bet...

Instead of spending the winnings right away, I added it to my bankroll, and at the end of each quarter increased the stake...

This is also know as ratchet staking, and it can be an incredibly powerful tool to grow your bankroll faster than time would normally allow...

Here's what it looked like...
It wasn't long before my bankroll started to skyrocket...

Just 12 months in, I'd already earned £10,593 and didn't need to "ratchet" anymore...

So I switched over to level £50 stakes, and started withdrawing my winnings to first pay off my debts, then I treated myself to a holiday, then I bought a car, and so on...

The point is, if I can do it...

Why Not You? ...

The fact is you've been following these emails for the past five days...

You've been alerted that the doors are closing for good this evening at the latest...

And I'm sure by now you know that testing this out yourself is the ONLY way you're going to know if it works or not...

So why not start the test right now by...

We're confident you'll be glad you did.

Kind Regards,
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team

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