Subject: Guy Fawkes Was No Revolutionary...

Remember, Remember, the 5th Of November...

Think Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, and the word "revolution" certainly comes to mind...

But in actual fact, the word probably hadn't even been invented yet...

It was first used in relation to the motions of the planets, when the astronomer Copernicus discovered that the Earth went round the Sun, not the other way round...

This was certainly revolutionary thinking at the time...the status quo that the Earth was the centre of the universe was so strong that people saying otherwise were often burnt at the stake! ...

Fast forward 150 years...and it finally became common knowledge that Copernicus and his proponents were actually right...

So what about the modern world status quo that "betting is for mugs"? ...

The vast majority of people still believe that you can't make money from betting. For sure,  if you continue placing muggy bets then that is very likely going to be the case for you...

But we now have all the information and tools we need to stop placing muggy bets, and start using strategies that are proven to generate profit.

We have the power to choose what to believe, and to take the action steps required to make our betting profitable...

There's really no need to wait another 150 years...revolutionise your betting today!

The doors close as soon as the few remaining spaces go (this WILL be today), so the choice is yours...

Get stuck with the old status quo, or Join the Revolution Now.

Don't worry, this is risk free to try and you certainly won't be burnt at the stake!  

Enjoy your bonfire night,
Lucrative Racing

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