Subject: Free Racing Portfolio Trials, Results & FAQ...

Today I'd like to answer some of your questions relating to the 2019 performance review we shared recently...

Q: Do you have a results history I can download for the strategies covered in your review? 

A: Yes, we've recently added the results histories to the bottom of the review page here.

Q: Are the results recorded using advised odds, BOG or Betfair SP?

A: We record results based on advised odds (the odds generally available at 10am). However, for our two newest strategies we've also recorded results at Betfair SP.

Q: Can I make a profit betting on the exchanges?

A: Yes, both Hurdle Heroes and AW Warriors have produced excellent results at Betfair SP...please refer to the results histories for a bookie vs BSP comparison.

With The Shortlist or Lucrative Tips, it's more profitable to take the current exchange price than BSP.

Q: There are a couple of services you haven't covered in your review...BackLucrative and Race Elite. Is there any reason for excluding these?

A: Both of these services have been profitable in 2019, particularly BackLucrative which is one of our biggest earners. 

However, due to high demand both of these services are currently full. We'll provide a full performance update when we're next in a position to take on new members.

Q: I noticed you are currently offering a 14 day free trial to The Racing Portfolio. How exactly does this work?

A: Yes, seeing as it's January we've decided to offer 14 days FREE access to our Racing Portfolio, to so you can try it with no money down...

The service includes our three top performing strategies of 2019, Hurdle Heroes, The Shortlist, and AW Warriors.

There are video tutorials available in the members area, which explain exactly how the service works much better than I can manage in this email.

I therefore invite you to get signed up, take a look around the members area and enjoy your 14 days of free tipping.  

You are free to cancel your membership with us at any time during your trial, and you won't be charged a penny.

Thanks in advance,
Lucrative Racing

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