Subject: Exciting New Strategy For Finding Hidden Winners...

We've an exciting new betting strategy to share with you very soon...

I've called the strategy Hidden Winners, and we're excited because it ticks all the boxes for what the majority of our readers (and hopefully, you) are looking to gain from your betting...

Based on all the questionnaires we've sent out over the years, and the huge amount of feedback we've received, these are your five most popular feature requests...

1. I need a decent strike rate (30%+ most popular)

If we can keep the strike rate high enough, we can avoid long runs of losing bets which makes a strategy much easier to follow long-term... 

And I'm happy to report, with a 32.2% strike rate during testing, Hidden Winners makes the cut.

2. I'd like to build a small bankroll quickly (£250 - £500)

When you start out small, usually it takes a long time to build up your bankroll and get into substantial profit. Not so with Hidden Winners...

Based on the testing data, if you started with a conservative £250 bankroll, you would have averaged £157.50 per month in profit. £500 bank = £315 monthly profit, and so on.

3. I don't want too many bets to place (2 - 3 per day)

This is where in the past, we really began to struggle. Generally speaking, the more bets you're able to place, the more profit you're going to come out with at the end of the day... 

So the majority of our current strategies produce a fair few selections on a given day...5 - 6 for BackLucrative, 10 - 12 for The Shortlist, and so on...

However, with Hidden Winners we've managed to produce more profit from fewer selections...just 2 - 3 on an average day.

4. I want to make good profits at Betfair SP (I'm restricted!)

And this one's always the kicker! As you know, a lot of what we focus on is value-based, and it's incredibly difficult to find value at BSP for a multitude of reasons...

But this is where is gets really exciting, because Hidden Winners has produced over 389 point profit at BSP during testing, and also boasts an ultra-high ROI of 31.2%!

And finally...

5. This needs to fit into my normal routine

Since Hidden Winners provides fewer selections, and produces substantial profit at Betfair SP, this not only gives you the freedom to place your bets when and where it suits you...

But it also takes just 1 - 2 minutes to put them on, making it a great deal easier to follow. 

Ok, so given all the above I really think it's worth explaining this new betting strategy in full, and I also think you deserve the opportunity to try it out for yourself at no cost...

So that's exactly what we've planned to do...

On Tuesday 1st September at Midday (UK time), I'm going to share exactly how I discovered this strategy, how it works, and the results we've seen so far...

And I'm also going to give you the opportunity to access the full selection method, and trial the daily selections too...

Sound good? ...

Now, just to give you full disclosure...we've put this out to some of our promotion partners, and the response we got back has been MUCH higher than we expected...

The upshot being, these trials will disappear FAST.

So with that in mind...

As a Lucrative Racing reader, I want to make sure you have ample opportunity to try this out, so I'm offering you first refusal when we release this on Tuesday...

All you need to do is click the link below to confirm your interest...

CLICK HERE To Receive First Refusal

And I'll make sure there's a space saved for you.

All the best,
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team
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