Subject: Don't just survive the storm, Enjoy It!

Change your perception to become successful
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Hi Friend,

You've probably guessed i'm not talking about weather patterns here - i'm talking about losing runs, rough patches, drawdowns - whatever you want to call them. 

If you've been following Daily Win Tips recently you will know we've been going through a sustained losing run (up until yesterday where we finally hit a winner).

As a result I've had a few people unsubscribing, mostly the newer additions to our mailing list. This means they will no longer be receiving the selections when the performance turns back around into profit. 

Try as I may, I simply can't help people who are going to quit during a losing run. They have likely already lost money, and have then made it impossible to earn that money back by no longer following the advised bets. 

However, as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait.

Everyone who has stuck it out will undoubtedly push their profits back up when the winners appear in the coming days and weeks.

So my advice, though a little radical, is this:

Instead of worrying or complaining when a service hits a losing period, look forward to the next winning period - and be excited for it!

This simple change in perception can literally mean the difference between success and failure (if we act according to our feelings, which most of us do).

Losing periods are inevitable - so wouldn't now be the time to stop worrying about them?

Ridding yourself of this worry, and replacing it with enthusiasm in the knowledge that profits are just around the corner, is one of the main keys to becoming successful form betting long term.

Tomorrow i'll be talking about the solution to losing runs, which will help us avoid the larger drawdowns in our bankroll.

Until Then,

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