Subject: Assume you're won and have the Best Day Ever!

Hi Friend,

Anyone here play the lottery? I do. 

Yes, yes it is of course a mugs game, but I still play it. Just one ticket per draw, online via direct debit, nothing fancy. 

Why? More on that later, but today I want to share with you an experience I had last week...

I was going through my morning emails, and lo and behold in my inbox was the coveted email from 'The National Lottery'. If you play the lottery online you'll already know this, but if not basically what happens is when you win something, they email you with the subject 'News About Your Ticket'. 

Cue the surge of excitement - 'what if i've won the jackpot??'

You then have to login to your account to see what you've won. Before I did this, I thought -

'Hang on a second, why don't I just assume I've won one of the top prizes, and go about my day as normal?'

So that's exactly what I did - and it turned out to be one of the best days i've had recently. It felt really good - going about my usual working day, but in my mind also imagining all the amazing things i'd be able to do with my winnings.

Buy a new car, plan some exciting holiday's, visit friends in New Zealand, landscape the garden, the list goes on....

Not only did I have a very productive day, but I had a lot of fun along the way.

You may think I was sorely disappointed therefore, when I logged in to my account that night and saw that I'd hit three numbers, and won a mere £25.

But I wasn't.

You see, i'd already experienced an amazing day simply from the thought of winning - I hadn't actually needed the money to do this.

What's this got to do with placing normal bets, where we actually have a good chance of winning?

I'd recommend doing what I did, place your daily bets as normal and go about your day assuming that they're going to win.

Are they always going to win? Of course not, but as long as the betting strategies you're using are profitable long term, you're going to profit overall regardless of the daily ups and downs. 

So why not choose to always feel good about the bets you have placed? 

I can't find a reason, can you?

All the Best,


P.S next time i'll be discussing why on earth I play the lottery to begin with.

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