Subject: [6 HOURS LEFT] Your Questions Answered...

Hi Friend,

As you know, registration for our flagship Racing Portfolio service closes TODAY...

So with that in mind, we’ve answered your most popular questions below to help you decide…

Q. How Easy is this service to use? ...

You can access our service and selections from anywhere with a basic internet connection, so it's very easy to use...

And on average, each of our portfolio strategies provide 1 or 2 selections per day - simply bet them as advised for excellent profits...

You Can Get Today’s Selections HERE.

Q. How does the 500 Point Profit Guarantee work? …

If the profit target isn’t reached within your first year, you can claim FREE ACCESS to the service until it is...

This means your membership guarantees you an absolute minimum of 500 points profit! ...

Claim Your 500 Point Profit Guarantee HERE.

Q. Do you have a full results history? ...

Yes, there is a link to view or download our full results history under the income graph on this page >>>

Q. Do you really give away £1,000 Cash every month? …

Yes! And this month we're giving away even more - £2,000 Cash - and the prize draw takes place tomorrow, Sunday 10th September

To enter, all you need to do is regsiter TODAY before the deadline…

CLICK HERE To Enter Our £2,000 Cash Prize Draw.

Q. How much does it cost to join? …

The first 10 days are COMPLETELY FREE! …

After that, memberships start from just £24.92 per month which is our lowest price EVER…

Start My 10 Day Free Trial HERE.

Q. What if I don't want to continue after the Free Trial? …

You are free to cancel your membership at any time, and you can do this directly via your members account...

So the trial lets you test our service out first, then you can decide whether or not it's for you...

GO HERE To Get Started.

Q. Exactly when does registration close?


You won’t be able to join the Racing Portfolio any later than this, so if you want to put it to the test, you need to make your move NOW…

CLICK HERE To Join Us Before The Deadline.

Hope this helps, and we're looking forward to seeing you on the inside.

Kind Regards,

Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team