Subject: 5 From 6 Last Saturday - All 6 This Week?

There's nothing quite like the Scoop6 and its betting opportunities...

Last Saturday, David's Scoop6 Club came screamingly close with the first 5 winners at...

7/2 - 2/1 - 10/11 - 8/1 - 10/1

We got down to the last 24 out of 60,028 tickets, only to come 3rd in the last race. So we just missed the jackpot, but still managed to scoop up 72 Place dividends in the process...

They're having another crack at it this week on the back of that near-miss, but this time you have the opportunity to grab yourself a share and join in the excitement...

Whether we win or not, if you buy a share you'll get...

 - Free Tips and a staking plan in one major race - they've won 11 of the last 28... 

 - Free Scoop6 Plus selections (everything on their shortlist) which often produce 4 or 5 winners...occasionally even all 6! ...

 - Access to the perm selections to use in your own bets...

And you never know, we might just hit the jackpot this time round...

The deadline for purchasing shares is tonight, to give us time to pool all the funds together and get the perm on in time for tomorrow's action.

Kind Regards,
 - Michael
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