Subject: 4 Days And Counting [Important Notice]...

We're all prepped and ready to share our exciting new features next week, starting at Midday on Monday 17th February...

And, because I'd like to show you exactly how these features work, here's a couple of things for you to look forward to...

 - New training videos and reports, which reveal the method including real-life examples, the results so far and how you can replicate them. Plus...

 - A (very limited) number of free trials, which will give you access to all of our exciting new features, to help make 2020 your most profitable year to date.

Sound good? ...

Ok, now full disclosure that I have put this out to some of our promotion partners, and the response has been MUCH higher than we expected...

I guess when something has been reeling in profit for seven years straight, people start to take notice...

The upshot being, these free trials will disappear FAST.

So with that in mind... 

As a Lucrative Racing reader, I want to make sure you have ample opportunity to try this out, so I'm offering you first refusal when the offer goes live on Monday...

All you need to do is click the link below to confirm your interest...

And I'll make sure there's a space available for you.

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing

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