Subject: 301 points in under 9 months - Full Proof Here

Hi Friend,

It's been nearly 9 months since we started proofing our most exclusive
betting service - and i'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't provide an

Chances are you won't have heard of this before - it's never been
externally promoted and doesn't even appear on our website! I've done 
this to prevent the member numbers getting too high, and so I can offer
full support to everyone involved.

If you'd like any of the following, this could well be for you:

- 301 points profit in under 9 months

- Regular winners at high odds (up to a massive 60/1)

- All bets recorded at Betfair SB after 5% commission (to ensure
you're getting the exact same profit levels as the official results)

- Membership fees paid in arrears (AFTER you're in substantial

Sound interesting? Please give our short guide a read to get all the 
details, including the full results to date:

The Inner Circle (1 Click Download)

There are currently 12 membership spaces available for the next
sequence of betting, which is set to start on Thursday 2nd April.

If you'd like to join, please first take a look at The Inner Circle proposal
above for the full details, then drop me an email at with a simple 'count me in!' message, 
and i'll add you to the members list.

Just to re-iterate, there's no up front payment required - just one
of  the unique benefits of this 
exclusive betting service.

All the Best,

Lucrative Racing Trust