Subject: 1 HOUR Until This Closes For Good Friend...

This is your very last, FINAL notice that our new and exciting Hidden Winners service closes its doors in JUST 1 HOUR... if you've been sitting on the fence all week, this is your LAST chance...

The results for August are in, and here's how we fared...

Winning bets: 36
Strike rate: 38.3%
P/L: +96.7 points
Return on stakes invested: 51.45%
Profit at £5 / point: £480.35

That's almost £500 in clear profit staking just £5 per point... 

All in just 1 MONTH! ...

Can we do the same again this month? ...

There's only one way to find out...

Remember, you have 1 HOUR and that's it!

All the very best!
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team
P.S. Thanks for bearing with us throughout our Hidden Winners launch this week; as always, your continued support is greatly appreciated! ... 

So what's next? ...

Well, I'm off to the lakes for the few days respite...but we'll be back next week to get stuck into the St. Leger action over at Doncaster.
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