Subject:Ā šŸ» Too Little, Too Much, Or Just Right? ...

Hi Friend,

I don't know about you, but when I bet I'm looking for the biggest bag for my buck...

So you know, the largest possible income in return for the smallest possible workload and time commitment...

The problem is, it's a fine balancing act and most punters seem to be doing one of 2 things...

They're either doing Too Little, where you sign up to one or two free tipsters, so maybe you end up with a bet or two per day andĀ thatā€™s it...

The problem with this is, even if the tips are decent (which they usually aren't), you're not doing enough to move the needle on your wealth...

Itā€™sĀ just not enough to make a real difference.

And then, at the other end of the scale isĀ too much...

This is where you sign up to lots of different services, so you end up with a HUGE amount of bets, HUGE membership fees, and a HUGE time commitment...

And even if you manage to make some money, you're having to sacrifice your freedom to do it...

Don't forget, we can always make more money but we canĀ NEVERĀ make more time...

We don't want too little, we don't want too much, we want just right and as simple as this sounds, there are a million way to mess it up...

So why try to figure it out on your own, when someone can just hand you the answers? ...

Well, that's exactly what myself and the Lucrative Racing team are offering you right here, right now...

GO HERE To Get All The Details >>>

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Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team