Subject: ⭐ Today's Free Tip ⭐ Saturday 17th February...

Hi Friend...

Before we get to our final free tip of the week, you may remember we started a new betting challenge towards the end of the February last year...

And the aim was was to reach 1,000 points profit within 12 months! ...

Well, if it was easy it wouldn't be called a challenge, right? ...

To see if we made it anywhere near the target, we'll share all the results with you on the official challenge end date which is Monday 26th February.

Either way, it was great fun and we may well run something similar over the coming year, if you're interested.

Ok, onto today...

Our free tip comes courtesy of The Haymaker - CLICK HERE For A Free Trial >>>

It's in the 14:40 Rendlesham Hurdle at Hayock, and available at 85/40 with bet365 or betfair sportsbook...

It's therefore advised as a straight win bet...

Click Here To View Today's Tip

Have a great weekend!
Lucrative Racing