Subject: 😫 If You Aren't Winning, Here's Why...

Friend, there's an inconvenient truth in betting that nobody wants to talk about...

Nobody, that is, apart from our very own National Hunt specialist Chris Wright. He calls it the "Punters Paradox" and he sums it up in one single sentence...

"The Strategy That Makes Your The Greatest Profit Is Usually The One You Find Hardest To Follow"...

I really hate that this is true...

You see, most profitable betting strategies involve finding value, betting at high odds and enduring plenty of losing runs along the way…

That's why I emphasise treating your betting like a long-term investment, because at the end of the day that's where the money is made…

But I have to admit, sometimes it feels like I’m fighting a losing battle...

The truth is, most punters do not take this advice seriously or for other psychological reasons, they are unable to cope with losing runs and end up quitting too early…

If you aren't making any money from your betting, this is very likely the reason why...

But luckily for us, Chris thinks he's found the solution...

"In the real world, we know that most people will stop following bets within a few weeks if they aren't winning and that's why this strategy is ideal...

We win a third of our bets and we didn’t have a single losing month over the entire winter season last year! That means even the most impatient punters should find this very easy to follow" ...

So if you struggle with losing runs, if you find it hard to keep placing bets when you aren't winning...

And if you're finally ready to start making your betting pay...

This may well be exactly what you're looking for...

CLICK HERE To Find Out More >>>

Kind Regards,

Michael & Chris at Lucrative Racing