Subject: 🏆 Are You Ready For A Challenge? ...

It begins with a CRAZY Request...

"Hi Michael,

I’ve used loads of systems and services over the years with nothing to show for it. Luckily a friend recommended your site and your investment approach to betting, and I've already started seeing improvements - Thanks!

I want to set myself a BIG goal this year and make at least 1,000 points profit, but I really don’t want to risk losing the money I’ve invested.

Can It be done? And can you tell me the best way to get there?

Cheers, Mark."

I sat staring at the screen for a few moments, thinking…

At least 1,000 points profit this year? That's ÂŁ10,000 to ÂŁ10 stakes or ÂŁ100,000 to ÂŁ100 stakes! And all that profit with little to no risk? ...

No way - it can’t be done.

But then, as I started typing what was sure to be a disappointing answer, it’s as though a switch flipped in my head. My thoughts rearranged themselves…

And “It can’t be done” suddenly became…

“How Can It Be Done?” …

Fast forward 12 months… 

And it ends with a BIG Challenge...

Michael & the BackLucrative Team
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