Subject: 💣 2 Out Of 3 Winners Today...

We're off to a fantastic start Friend...

With 2 winners from 3 bets today...

13:47 Beverley - Lady Bouquet - WON @ 11/2 advised

14:47 Beverley - Catton Lady - 3rd

15:17 Beverley - Lincoln Rockstar - WON @ 9/4 advised

We're bang on track for a BIG week, but we need to give you a Quick Word Of Warning...

We only opened the doors yesterday but OVER 60% of the available spaces have already been snatched up...

As they say, the early bird catches the worm...

At this rate, we will have close the doors again tomorrow or Thursday at the very latest...

So don't risk missing out! If you join right now it's completely FREE for your first week...

CLICK HERE To Start My Free Trial >>>

Many Thanks,

Lucrative Racing