Subject: 😱 £1/2 MILLION At Royal Ascot??? ...

Good Grief Friend! ...

The Tote have just announced the Scoop6 will run every day of Royal Ascot, this coming Tuesday to Saturday...

We will be entering each day and with yesterday's rollover, plus it being the biggest summer festival in racing, there will be MONSTER Prizes up for grabs in the region of...

£400,000 - £1/2 MILLION POUNDS! ...

You may remember We Hit The Jackpot On Day 4 Of Royal Ascot last year, at odds of 5.5 Million to 1...

And if we've done it before, we can do it again...

So this year, we're going all-in with the aim of securing our 11th Scoop6 Jackpot Win to date.

Here's how you can join...

Click the link below to get your shares before the deadline, at 9pm On Monday 17th June...

You'll receive 5 Excellent Chances to share our next BIG win, plus you'll get all our best selections and betting strategies, for all 5 days of the festival...


Don't forget - the more shares we collect, the bigger our stake and the bigger our chances of securing a Massive 6-Figure Payout!

Many thanks for your support,
The Scoop6 Squad

P.S. For existing weekly subscribers, you can get additional access to the first 4 days of the festival on the signup page >>>
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.