Have you got self sufficient food supply growing on your smallholding or homestead? Or, are you farming food in Southern Africa? You could be missing out on this fantastic opportunity with bee farming too.
As a food grower and farmer, beekeepers could harvest some honey from your fields and feed the bees especially when combined.
As a beekeeper, giving a farmer near you a couple of jars of honey for access to their land for harvesting honey could score you some decent honey yields! Plus, by being a self sufficient homesteader growing your own food would reap multiple rewards by you including a bee hive or two on your property!
You get some honey, bees pollinate and encourage biodiversity and you get more sustainable food on every plate!
Get on your ZOOM tonight for this pollination webinar with Bee Ware® Founder talking about the power of pollination and it's benefit for your family, farm and smallholding! |