Subject: Friend, Guitar Arbitrage Banned on eBay - update!

Dear Friend,

Some subscribers emailed to say that they missed the auction for
the Guitar Auction Arbitrage Tutorial Video CD ROM that
ended on Sunday night. (See original email below)

I haven't relisted it yet as I'm making some revisions to the
next version for auction (I'm actually removing some

However, you can still get the current edition direct from if you're quick!

Any queries drop me a line or give me a call on 0845 009

Cheers - Andy

------------------original message--------------------

Hi Folks,

EBAY banned the sale of The Guitar Arbitrage System.

Let me explain…

The full-uncensored version of the Guitar Arbitrage System
(that some of you own) originally sold on eBay very
successfully; it received glowing feedback and had less than
a 1% refund rate. It sold for £27GPB ($47USD) but it
got \'blacklisted\' because it breached two of eBay\'s rules –
and I quote:

- The listing may not offer information on how to purchase
items outside of eBay.
- The listing may not offer information on how to receive
items for free outside of eBay.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for you!) I was successfully
showing people how to do exactly that (buy gear
cheaply \'outside of eBay\') in order that they could re-sell
items for profit back on eBay.

This is all good news for you, here\'s why…

It forced me to think creatively and develop a version that I
could make available on eBay without breaching their rules.
What I developed was as series of video tutorials on CD
ROM that teach you, step by step, how to use eBay
exclusively as both a source and a sales channel for your
guitar and music gear trading.

It will teach you 3 specific techniques that can be used at
ANY given time on ANY eBay site to 'find and flip' guitars
and music gear for profit - sometimes without even having
the items delivered to you!

This new version is currently available on Ebay until
tomorrow night and is available at half the price of the
original. Once this listing ends I may be revising the content
and price.

Check it out here before it ends
