Subject: "Expanding Consciousness: Unveiling the Potential Within"

Happy SUN-day Beautiful Being!

We have 2 pieces of GOODNESS for YOU today!
Are you ready to experience life with a profound sense of purpose, heightened self-awareness, expanded perception and empathy, and a deep connection to your inner wisdom?

If so, we have an extraordinary opportunity for you!

Introducing the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst, a transformative 12-week program designed to help you unlock the incredible benefits of higher consciousness.

This is not just another theory or concept; it's a proven process that has helped thousands of individuals like you to embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Imagine conquering imposter syndrome, finding inner peace, discovering your life purpose, overcoming financial challenges, or launching a successful business. These are just a few examples of the incredible transformations experienced by our clients:

Jessica, who landed her dream job, making a significant impact in her field.

Danika, who enjoyed a peaceful and joyful pregnancy.

Erin, who created a thriving business that positively impacts her community.

Lucas, who regained stability and secured a bright future after a painful divorce.

Holly, who successfully launched her yoga studio, creating a sanctuary of wellness.

Tammy, who confidently lives her true purpose and inspires others.

Dana, who awakened her entire family's potential.

Now, you might be wondering, "What if I'm unsure of my true purpose?"

Our  Catalyst is precisely designed to help you reveal it, overcome obstacles, and cultivate clarity, confidence, and inner peace. It's time to align your life with your authentic self.

As one of our founding members, you'll receive exclusive benefits:

🏆 12-Week Coaching Program: Unlock higher consciousness, overcome limiting beliefs, and find lasting purpose and meaning.

🏆 Lifetime Access to Core Curriculum: Gain unlimited access to our top training videos.

🏆 Two 1-on-1 Coaching Calls: Get personalized guidance throughout your journey.

🏆 Two Live Training Classes per Week: Deepen your practice and find greater meaning.

🏆 Private Facebook Community: Engage in higher-level conversations and network with like-minded individuals.

But that's not all! As a special thank you for being one of our first entrants, you'll save $500 if you enroll before May 22nd. Additionally, we're offering exclusive bonuses:

🎁 2 Extra Weeks inside the Program

🎁 Personalized Journal to Deepen Your Practice

🎁 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

To take advantage of this incredible opportunity, simply type "YES" in response to this email or message Me on Facebook Messenger at

Remember, the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst is more than a program; it's a chance to connect with a supportive community and awaken your highest self. Together, we'll explore new dimensions of YourSelf, Your Life, and Your Purpose.

P.S. If you're eager to put your Cosmic Consciousness to good use, we have another exciting opportunity to discuss when we connect.

So don't wait any longer. Reply "YES"and let's embark on the most meaningful journey of Your Life.
Many years ago I learned to make quick decisions! It was one of THE BEST decisions I made.....that changed everything quickly and positively for me, for the kiddos, for our business, for Gabriel and for our life!

I used to be one of those people who would sit for days before making a decision.....feeling in....tuning in....thinking about....feeling indecisive.....until something "pushed me" into "making" a decision!

3 things changed for me....that elevated my world radically!

1. Finding out I was pregnant with twins! I knew life was about to change drastically....and this was going to require me to make faster decisions. Life was moving fast and about to move even faster! I didn't have time to sit and ponder.....and "figure it out"......and swirl....and think....and sort....and meditate longer on it.....and swirl again....and choose, then un-choose that choice....and choose something different....and then use my pendulum to tune in......and then maybe I landed on it.....Oh wait...what if that's not the "right" choice. OMG! This was intense, draining and wasted soooooo MUCH time! I felt like I was getting no where and yet burned up an entire "tank of gas".

I started to just choose! To this day I'll say to myself, "Ok, just pick something. You've got this."

2. I met an exceptional business coach who has consistently said, "Take imperfect action." Meaning....just take a step, make a decision and go. You can always refine in the step and on the path. This was a game-changer for me! The perfectionist within could let go, trust, and not have it all figured out. Which allowed my highest self to have way more fun, play and enjoy life!

3. My Higher Self and The Divine continued to say to me, "Creation happens fast when you get out of the way and out of the energy of indecisiveness. You can't get this wrong. There is no wrong. Just a series of decisions, choices, creations and experiences. And then you do it all over again."

This allowed me to get clear faster!
Create faster!
Align and re-align faster!
And experience the life I wanted faster!

I started making faster decisions by feeling into it, trusting that I knew what was aligned for me, AANNNND then....go!
Faster decisions!
Faster energy!
Faster outcomes that I wanted!
Faster manifestations!

No longer did I have to sit in the split mind.
No longer did I have to wait for energy or life to move. I made the moves and life flowed around me to match!
No longer did I have to feel stuck in the swirl (of my mind, emotions and ideas).
No longer did I have to start the momentum of something and then have it slow or stop based on indecisiveness.

Looking back over the past 6 years.....Life has been miraculous! Wondrous! Beautiful! Expansive! Radiant! Healthy! Aligned! Joyful! Abundant! We've created and amplified sooooooo much! Our kiddos are thriving, Gabriel and I are thriving, our business and clients are thriving, and our Soul-purpose is actively engaged in daily and thriving!

This is the kind of experience our HyperSpeed Mastermind participants are going to have! Taking things off the back-burner, consciously creating with ease and speed, and actualizing the life they deeply desire in record time because "time" is no longer the barrier! Indecisiveness is not longer holding them back! It's all possible and doable! I know because.....we've been living it consistently for the past 6 years! We're excited to show you how to create an exceptional life too....NOW!

There's still time to join us! We start tomorrow! If you're ready to create some amazing, beautiful things over the next 4 weeks.....comment YES below to get the energy moving!

Remember.....creation does not have an off-switch. Creation is constantly happening. It's us, you and I, that determine how quickly, powerfully and masterfully we create. You've got the power! And now it's time to jump into action, make aligned decisions and get your greatness-ball rolling!

Are you ready??!?!?!

There's soooo much goodness available to you and for you right now! We're ready when you are!!!

Eternal Love and Infinite Peace,
KGQC and Tara
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
Tara Antler, 22 Basswood Drive, L9S 2A8, Barrie, Canada
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.