Subject: Here's what's happening at Lifestyle


What is Marriage Counseling?

Everybody needs counseling! Someone to listen to you. And of course so do couples. Having someone to be your sounding board is soooo helpful in relieving stress and solving problems. We are all being challenged day by day. These challenges are growth and maturity opportunities. In this article I tackle a lot of the questions people have about couples therapy. Get your copy here.



If you would like to use your insurance to come talk to me you have till July 15, 2021 to use your Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. My practice is transitioning to an enrollment model. I have several programs available for you to participate. All programs include you in the Sizzling Hot Marriage Community. This community is not just designed for married couples. Engaged couples and singles have rooms designed specifically for them. Look out for online and local gatherings in this community.

Special 25% discount if you get in now!

Enrollment Options

Does your marriage need a refresher course? I'm now taking registrations for my next Sizzle Mindset Masterclass. These 8 classes start next Thursday, 5/27/2021, at 10 AM CST. Reconnect with your boo as you learn the eight levels of intimacy and give your sizzle a booster shot.

Sizzle Mindset Masterclass

Waking and Sleeping Together

Couples with mismatched sleeping styles, as in the case of an early bird paired with a night owl, can experience instability in the relationship. This can lead to more conflict, less time for shared activities, less sex, and less connecting conversation.

Relationship experts believe that it’s healthy for partners, even those with different sleep styles, to discover ways to begin and end their days together with rituals.

Emotional Wellness Materclass

I'll be a guest speaker during the Emotional Wellness Uncovered Masterclass led by my cousin Dr. Sarita Johnson. You don't want to miss these power packed sessions. Sign up at

Thanks for reading my weekly newsletter! I hope you found something in this newsletter helpful to you and your spouse.

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