Subject: These 16 things in your life can be sabotaged by just ONE word you use daily, Friend 😧

These 16 things in your life can be sabotaged by just ONE word you use daily, Friend 😧

August 11th, 2022 at 9:41 am PDT

Before becoming a coach, I owned a personal safety and self-defense company for 12 years. I LOVED teaching people how to stay safe! 🤗 It can be so easy to keep yourself out of negative and dangerous situations... but what most people don't know is ...

Unheard and unseen at serious medical appts and how she took her power back, Friend. 💪

August 4th, 2022 at 3:49 pm PDT

Have you ever felt unheard or devalued because someone didn't listen to you or respect your boundaries? 😕 If so, you need to know how to stop giving your power away and use the words that get you heard.Ava's Story She was facing an uncomfortable a ...

6 doctors, drugs to counteract side effects from other drugs, things happen FAST, Friend 🤔

August 2nd, 2022 at 2:09 pm PDT

Some things never change no matter what happens in the world, thank goodness! 🙏 Friend, your subconscious mind is still right there to protect you and heal you and get you where you're going. And when you use it right... things happen FAST. ⚡ Th ...

A terrifying diagnosis empowered her with confidence, Friend 💝 In her own words...

July 7th, 2022 at 7:10 pm PDT

It happens to someone every minute of every day. It's often devastating. You get a scary diagnosis and your mind goes into overdrive with all the possibilities of what could happen. Tests, scans, doctor’s appointments, time off work, sleepless nigh ...

Weekend sneak peek into feeling confident & accomplished in 2022, Friend 🤗 (secret inside)

June 18th, 2022 at 11:18 am PDT

2022 is already HALF over and you need to feel good about your year when December rolls around, Friend! It's the weekend! If you're scheduling Me-time, this is for you. And if you're not, this is REALLY for you. 😄 My popular Powerful Completions p ...

Which of these is most helpful when you need to accomplish something, Friend? 💖

June 15th, 2022 at 4:09 pm PDT

We're half-way through 2022. (notice my rhyming skills there? 😉) There are probably lots of things you want to accomplish this year so that when you look back on it in December, you're happy with what you've done. AND happy with yourself! Which of ...

Friend, NO one has permission to dampen your dreams 🤗 Celebrating 11 years of Positive Women

June 8th, 2022 at 3:06 pm PDT

Hey, ya know what? Monday I celebrated my 11 year anniversary of being a coach and energy worker for women. You know how many of those years other people told me it wasn't going to work? ALL OF THEM. You know how many times I knew they were wrong? AL ...

3 key points from your workshop to support you this week, Friend, 🤗 open now to feel better

May 31st, 2022 at 10:02 am PDT

Hi Friend,It's easy to learn helpful things and then forget about them when life takes over. This email will help with that. 💖 I want to remind you of 3 key points from the workshop to support you. 🙂 ⭐ Key Point #1: Self-sabotage is super com ...

Your 1-hr workshop replay awaits your arrival, Friend 😊 From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results

May 26th, 2022 at 8:14 pm PDT

Hey, Friend!Your workshop replay is ready for you! 🤗 It is 1-hour and I look forward to your feedback. I appreciate you! 💖 Login here: Screenshots below to guide you.You ROCK!Kelly 💖P.S. Log ...

Friend, you + me + workshop = results. Thurs 9am PST, details are inside 🕘😉

May 25th, 2022 at 8:29 pm PDT

Hey, Friend!Are you as excited about working together in the workshop as I am? 🤗Keli's success story is from Tuesday's workshop and there are more where that came from. You're NEXT! I want you to have the attendance details handy so I'll be sendin ...