Subject: It's often we don't get what we want because we're in our own way, Friend. This will help 💖

It's often we don't get what we want because we're in our own way, Friend. This will help 💖

January 22nd, 2024 at 4:43 pm PDT

There's have been so many times I've stood in my own way of getting what I want. I can't even count them all. Have you done that too, Friend? When I finally learned how to stop sabotaging myself, my whole life and everything in it changed immediately ...

Things can be different from last time at any moment... let them be different now, Friend 💖

January 16th, 2024 at 2:58 pm PDT

It's super easy to live in the past, even if we aren't meaning to. 🙃 I have recreated the past so many times in my life when I was wanting a new, fresh start. How about you, Friend? From relationships tainted by previous relationship issues to fri ...

The most important part can be the scariest part, Friend. But it works out really well! 🏆

January 9th, 2024 at 6:21 pm PDT

It can be super scary to let go of control and trust until you've done it and have seen that YOU aren't responsible for everything. That may sound like a no-brainer to you and if so, YAY! 🤗 If it isn't a no-brainer, it's something important to thi ...

Even if you feel dim, you still have enough light to share that can save someone, Friend 💖

January 4th, 2024 at 11:59 am PDT

Hey Friend, Sometimes, if I feel all peopled out or depleted energy-wise, I want to be in my own little bubble and charge up my personal battery. It usually only takes a few minutes to an hour because I have a process I've developed to pop me back in ...

A great tip to set you up to succeed and soar in 2024, Friend This can be an excellent year 🤗

January 1st, 2024 at 4:02 pm PDT

Happy New Year!This month, these Life Strategy emails will focus on helping you soar in 2024. Some things to adopt and some things to let go of. 🤗 Friend, remember that the same thoughts and feelings of last year will guide your new year to be jus ...