Subject: I wanted to hide under the chair when she told me, Friend... 😶 workshop inside⌛

I wanted to hide under the chair when she told me, Friend... 😶 workshop inside⌛

June 16th, 2024 at 12:47 pm PDT

What she told me I was capable of and meant to do scared me so bad I wanted to hide under the chair! It was 2012. Again in 2023, another woman of powerful intuition told me the same thing. This time, I knew that by stepping out from where I'd been hi ...

Reminder: Did you grab gifts in the Positive Shifts Toolkit Giveaway, Friend? Sat = last day⏰

June 14th, 2024 at 5:38 pm PDT

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Positive Shifts Summit: The Transformational and Spirituality Summit, where I contributed 2 free gifts. The following week, I was invited to share another free gift for the Positive Shifts ...

You're invited to a fun, energizing, empowering workshop , Friend Open up 🤩

June 13th, 2024 at 5:50 pm PDT

Here we go! You're invited to my FREE 1-hour workshop + my program special for Planet Dragonfly's 11th anniversary, Friend. (That's the mother ship to Positive Women Rock.) 🤗 Eliminate Problems Quickly: Can you imagine how your life would transfo ...

Hey Friend, Heads Up on the Inner Power Secret Workshop + Get Your Empowering Checklist Now 🤗

June 11th, 2024 at 10:36 am PDT

Fun week ahead! 😃 I'm excited to be putting together a free, eye-opening, and empowering workshop called The Inner Power Secret just for you. I'll share the details with you shortly! 🤗 I'm quite sure you're going to LOVE it, Friend. In the mean ...

My company's 11th anniversary + superb certainty, Friend Celebrating all month! 🤗

June 8th, 2024 at 4:21 pm PDT

Sticking with building my business even when it looked like more of a hobby to family members who weren't shy about voicing it is one of the very important things I'm celebrating this month. If you've ever been in that situation, you'll understand wh ...

My gift to you: 5-7 min Energetic Tune-Up for a Successful Day and Vibrant Heart, Friend 🤗

May 21st, 2024 at 12:14 pm PDT

Morning routines you do automatically can seem simple and helpful. While you think about your day, the other things just get done. Pretty soon, your bed is made, you've eaten breakfast, your teeth are brushed and you're dressed and ready to go. Yep, ...

Get inspired, be empowered... Energetic Tune-Up: 3 days, 5-7 min. with me each day, Friend 🤗

May 19th, 2024 at 6:32 pm PDT

Morning routines you do automatically can seem simple and helpful. While you think about your day, the other things just get done. Pretty soon, your bed is made, you've eaten breakfast, your teeth are brushed and you're dressed and ready to go. Yep, ...

Time Sensitive: Your opinion on a phrase for my title is needed. 1-question survey, Friend 🥰

May 7th, 2024 at 6:15 pm PDT

I'm in an online summit at the end of the month and I want to know which phrase to include in my talk title. Friend, can I get your opinion, ASAP, please? THANK YOU. 🥰 Click HERE for your ONE question survey.You Rock! 💖KellyP.S. Keep an eye on ...

Super short video and did you know this, Friend? It's a great way to get expectations met! 🤗

May 3rd, 2024 at 5:19 pm PDT

Here's another super small thing that will get you BIG results! Video below. 📽️ Friend, I'm just finishing up the recordings for your Energetic Tune-up for a Successful Day and Vibrant Heart audios. My plan is to get you the link to sign up for ...

1 and 1/2 minute video to improve your today + stay tuned for next week's gift, Friend 🤗

April 26th, 2024 at 11:44 am PDT

Wanna know a super small thing that will give you BIG results? Video below. 📽️ Friend, next week you will receive an invitation to sign up for a free gift from me: Daily Energetic Jump Start: Your Tune-up for a Successful Day and Vibrant Heart. ...