Subject: Self-sabotage is keeping you from what you want, Friend... here's why it isn't your fault 💖

Self-sabotage is keeping you from what you want, Friend... here's why it isn't your fault 💖

July 11th, 2023 at 3:06 pm PDT

Everyone I know, including the most successful, have sabotaged themselves at one, several, or all steps to getting to where they are now... including me. We can sabotage ourselves faster than anyone or anything else can, Friend. 😕 Self-sabotage is ...

Real-life: 2 months of pain, worry and feeling burdened solved in 29 min last night, Friend 🤗

June 21st, 2023 at 2:37 pm PDT

It seems easy to forget what has worked for us in the past. 🤔 I stay very focused and everything I do seems like a fun game of beat-the-clock when I'm using my Pomodoro timer (20 minute work sessions divided by 5 minute breaks). Whether it's work ...

Just a heartwarming "there are good things in the world" picture for you, Friend 😊🐧

June 16th, 2023 at 6:48 pm PDT

Hi Friend, I believe many blessings are coming your way. You get them by 1) asking for them (be specific), 2) being grateful that they are ALREADY on the way and 3) expecting them. 😊 I wanted to share this sweet penguin family photo with you becau ...

SIX doctors, drugs to counteract side effects from other drugs - scary, ineffective, Friend 🤔

June 8th, 2023 at 1:51 pm PDT

Some things never change no matter what happens in the world, thank goodness! 🙏 Friend, your subconscious mind is still right there to protect you and heal you and get you where you're going. And when you use it right... things happen FAST. ⚡ Th ...

From being in the wrong race to finding my own I can win, Friend 10 yrs of transformations 🤗

June 6th, 2023 at 7:13 pm PDT

I struggled with low self-esteem and self-doubt and never felt I fit in. It was miserable, always feeling like I wasn't enough and it was so stressful trying to be the person I thought I was supposed to be. 😥 And then I learned about my inner powe ...

Protecting yourself from other people's negative energy is vital, Friend ⚡ Here's how...

June 2nd, 2023 at 7:46 pm PDT

Being and staying heathy and creating the life you want requires you staying positive which means protecting yourself from negative energy of other people AND releasing any of your own. 💖 Remember, ALL energy is HIGHLY contagious! ⚡ I'm sharing ...

What happens when you have to be around negative people, Friend? 💖 There is help...

May 29th, 2023 at 7:50 pm PDT

Lisa's days seemed to be going downhill despite her best efforts to stay confident and energized. 🤔 As she told me what was going on in her life, things seems good on her end. What stood out to me were the people around her. Between coworkers who ...

Who you truly are, what you want and how to get it is in the palm of your hand, Friend 💖

May 26th, 2023 at 12:42 pm PDT

Although this is a made up meme, you get the message. People are sheep. It's so easy to let something (in this case, an escalator) take us where everyone else is going that we stop taking our own path (stairs) to get where we REALLY want to be... and ...

This way of helping someone feel better may truly surprise you, Friend 💖

May 23rd, 2023 at 1:16 pm PDT

There are powerful ways to get yourself feeling better fast so your energy magnetizes positive things into your life rather than negative ones. But how can you help someone you care about who is feeling bad, down, angry, anxious or depressed feel bet ...

This way, feeling relaxed and empowered can happen in just a few minutes, Friend 😊

May 19th, 2023 at 12:56 pm PDT

Hey, ya know what? I'm going show you how what seems like it could take forever is much faster and easier than you think. Tired, stressed, off track, angry, fearful, lost, frustrated, overwhelmed? You need to adjust your energy... FAST. Feeling relax ...