Subject: I was so surprised by this... Lisa and I had to write it out and share it with you, Friend 🤗

I was so surprised by this... Lisa and I had to write it out and share it with you, Friend 🤗

August 23rd, 2023 at 9:12 am PDT

During a fun, powerful chick-chat with a dear friend and client, she said something out of the blue that caught my attention Big Time! 😲 You may recall Lisa in California's workshop success story a couple newsletters back. (I've put it below if yo ...

Waking up overwhelmed with fear of letting people down hurts, Friend Elizabeth's story 💖

August 5th, 2023 at 1:26 pm PDT

Some of the things you think are small, little nagging issues or negative feelings grow, over time, into what can sabotage your health and destroy what you love most... or your future...things you haven't even gotten to experience yet. This was happe ...

Here's how just ONE hour powerfully improved their lives and confidence, Friend 🤗 stories...

July 27th, 2023 at 5:26 pm PDT

Did you have a wonderful Sunday morning like Teri and Lisa did in my workshop? 🌞 Interestingly, they both had similar things to gain clarity and confidence about so it was extra fun having them together in the same one! 🤗 Check out their storie ...

A few hours left for your ticket to "From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results" workshop, Friend 🤗

July 22nd, 2023 at 2:22 pm PDT

Ready to get out of your rut and into your groove? 🥰 You need to know what's possible for you so that whether you're rocking your awesomeness or need to get back on track, you have options. 🙂 If you have yet to get your ticket, grab a $27 ticke ...

⏰ Relationship self-sabotage destroys lives, Nancy's story + last day to join me, Friend ⏰

July 22nd, 2023 at 9:07 am PDT

We've been talking about how self-sabotage sneaks into all areas of our lives, and relationships are a HUGE area for sabotage! Significant other, friend, family and coworker relationships are easy opportunities to mess things up with self-sabotage! Y ...

My personal health self-sabotage story... + your workshop's right around the corner, Friend 😊

July 21st, 2023 at 9:24 am PDT

It's important to know self-sabotage is very common. It can also be uncomfortable to talk about. That's because it feels weak, Friend. And the reasons we do it are kinda scary or we wouldn't be dodging what we need to do. 😢 (my embarrassing health ...

Stop weight self-sabotage and feel good about how you look, Friend. You deserve it! 🤗

July 20th, 2023 at 6:44 pm PDT

Yesterday, we talked about career and money self-sabotage and how common it is. Remember that it isn't your fault, Friend. Weight is another important topic because it influences how you feel about yourself. It can certainly dim your lifestyle and dr ...

Self-sabotaging our career and money + success story and workshop invite, Friend 🤗

July 19th, 2023 at 12:25 pm PDT

In last week's email, we talked about how common self-sabotage is. And how you can block your own success (in any life area) faster than anyone or anything else can... AND how it isn't your fault, Friend. 🤗 From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Wo ...

✅ 2 minute survey: let's replace self-sabotage with self-confidence, Friend, we can do this! 🤗

July 16th, 2023 at 12:41 pm PDT

Putting yourself in the driver's seat of your life is empowering and eye-opening. 👀 Thank you, if you already filled out the survey, Friend! 😊 If you haven't yet, remember that you can remain anonymous. 🤐 Self-sabotage is a sneaky anchor th ...

Hey Friend, I created a survey for you... got a couple minutes? 🙂 Thanks! You're the best 🤗

July 14th, 2023 at 7:55 pm PDT

It's going to be pretty quick and eye-opening. 👀 I appreciate your input on this survey. I had fun creating for you. 😊 Click for survey!You Rock! 💖Kelly P.S. Remember that although icky things are going on in the world, you can still have gr ...