Subject: Self-sabotage is soooo easy and really messes us up, Friend 😕 but I have good news... 🤗

Self-sabotage is soooo easy and really messes us up, Friend 😕 but I have good news... 🤗

May 18th, 2022 at 2:52 pm PDT

Hi Friend,You and I can sabotage ourselves faster than anyone or anything else can. I've done it. You've done it. You may be doing it right this minute! 😯 There are real reasons for self-sabotage and it's never accidental. It's usually underlying ...

4 Simple steps to well-being amidst chaos, Friend 💝 helpful article inside...

April 28th, 2022 at 2:49 pm PDT

If you're feeling like you want to stand on a mountaintop and yell, What the heck is going on with the world? lately Friend, I'm up for the hike and I'll go with you! 😎 Truth is, having worked with energy for decades, it's pretty obvious to me tha ...

What if what sounds too good to be true is still possible, Friend? 🤗 + podcast for you

April 3rd, 2022 at 2:58 pm PDT

Hi Friend, Kelly here with a too good to be true TRUE story (and a podcast interview to share it with you). 😊 Do you realize there are positive ways to handle some of the scariest things you'll ever experience in your lifetime? It's true. And it's ...

This immediately eliminated doubt and anxiety and saved our relationship, Friend 🙏 sharing...

March 16th, 2022 at 4:57 pm PDT

Hey Friend, My dad and I are buddies. He's a vibrant, youthful, healthy 84 now and I'm SO grateful for him! We've always had fun together whether it was attending airshows - since I was in a stroller - or working at airshows as I got older, working o ...

Life-changing positive woman tool free for you this week, Friend 🤗 Open up...

March 14th, 2022 at 11:54 am PDT

Hi Friend, just dropping by to brighten your day with a wild story and invitation! 🌞 When I learned this simple tool at age 43, my FIRST thought was, Now I know why (I entered mean girl's name here) did that in the 4th grade! I had been holding t ...

Wham! 60 is the new 30 and 10 reasons to be excited, Friend 🤗

February 24th, 2022 at 2:12 pm PDT

Hey, Friend! I was talking with a client about the difference between talking with a woman over 40 and someone wonderful in their 20's or 30's. We jokingly said something like, If you bring up Wham! and they say 'who?' it's just... well... hmmm. (Fe ...

🥰 How Michelle turned a bunch of strangers into Valentines, Friend 💖 So inspiring...

February 16th, 2022 at 8:27 am PDT

Are you a HUGE fan of inspiring stories like I am, Friend? Okay then (I sorta knew you were 😉), check THIS out... My friend Michelle (you may know her as the co-host of my workshops) moved into her new building and being the social person she is, ...

My guided visualization convo with a Blue Angels fighter pilot, Friend 🤗 1 spot left ⏰

February 10th, 2022 at 12:58 pm PDT

Hey, I know her! She's the one with the jacket! is commonly heard from fighter pilots and jet teams at the airshow after parties at The Officer's Club. You might also hear The Real Viper, Pete Petigrew from the first Top Gun movie say it at the annua ...

Here's what you'll get to do, Friend 💖

February 7th, 2022 at 12:21 pm PDT

Protect yourself from the energy of negative people and situations and stay positive and energized by day with peaceful sleep at night.Hey, Friend, check out the power of CORRECT guided visualization with Teri's story below! I'd love you to join me f ...

Overwhelm, uncertainty, stress, fear? How about a sigh of relief instead, Friend? 😊

February 6th, 2022 at 3:20 pm PDT

I touched base with a friend today. I saw she was on Facebook and I've thought of her recently so shot over a message to check in and see how she's doing. I was excited that her reply shared several successes. 😀 Slimming down, getting back to dail ...