Subject: Self-sabotage is soooo easy and really messes us up, Friend 😕 but I have good news... 🤗

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Hi Friend,

You and I can sabotage ourselves faster than anyone or anything else can. I've done it. You've done it. You may be doing it right this minute! 😯

There are real reasons for self-sabotage and it's never accidental. It's usually underlying instead of out there waving in the breeze for everyone (including you) to see... but never is it accidental.


Your subconscious mind knows what it's doing. And it LIVES to prove you RIGHT.

So when you have negative beliefs, thoughts, self-talk, feelings and/or actions from the past or from insecurity or whatever, it's right on-board with manifesting situations that prove you are correct.

Remember, no matter what you do or say, your subconscious mind runs 95-99% of your life BY DEFAULT and you only have control over the other 1-5%. That's barely any control at all! 🤔

To take charge of your life, you must know how to tap into your subconscious mind to make adjustments from the inside out rather than wasting your time "trying" (implies failure) to do it from the outside in.

Your subconscious mind can be your best friend rather than your unintentional saboteur - which is what it does automatically because of how it works to protect you.

I'll shoot you a quickie email tomorrow and we'll look at career & money self-sabotage. 

Weight, health and love & relationship self-sabotage will follow.


Since we work with the subconscious mind in Positive Women Rock, you have access to the very thing that can help you turn things around when they aren't the way you want.

You can invest just $27 in yourself and work with me for one hour next week in a fun, powerful workshop where we'll tap into your inner power and get you feeling more clear, confident and peaceful. 🙂

Registration opens tomorrow (Thurs).

You Rock! 💖


P.S. My workshops are SMALL groups of women so you'll get plenty of personal coaching and attention. 🥰 And we laugh a lot. 😄

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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