Subject: Sabotaging your own health is an easy rut to fall into these days, my story inside, Friend 😯

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

It's important to know self-sabotage is very common, Friend. It can also be uncomfortable to talk about.

That's because it feels weak. And the reasons we do it are kinda scary or we wouldn't be dodging what we need to do. 😢

(my embarrassing health self-sabotage story is below)

I've created Positive Women Rock to be your safest place to address difficult things.

That's because challenges are simply solved at the under the hood level (subconscious mind) and that's where we work without dwelling on problems or reliving painful experiences. 😉

That level is where things originate and are solved. So, moving you from the passenger seat to the driver's seat of your life is totally doable there! 🤗

From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Workshop info

Health self-sabotage

Slacking off on exercise, me-time, time with friends, making new friends, speaking up for yourself, enforcing personal boundaries or eating healthy are ways to prove to yourself you don't deserve to have the health you desire.

That you aren't a good enough or committed enough person (untrue!). Or that you were right about staying healthy being too hard.

Maybe you go to the doctor for every little thing. Or take medications to solve a side effect symptom a different med caused.

Maybe you never listen to what your body is telling you and what YOU need to release to be able to heal instead of simply covering up symptoms.

Remember that your subconscious mind uses self-sabotage to keep you safe from uncomfortable things. And to prove you are correct in your negative thoughts or self-talk. You must know how to work WITH it or it will work against you unintentionally because of it's protective nature.

My Health Self-Sabotage Story

Nine years ago today, May 21, 2013, I realized I was sabotaging my health.

I didn't do the very thing I knew I needed to do. Here's my story...

It was an embarrassing problem I didn't want anyone to know about.

For 6 solid weeks, I'd had back-to-back hot flashes. Volcanic ones!

They were so bad my clothes would be drenched. And there wasn't even time to change clothes before the next one arrived! 🥵

I stayed home and barely went out to grocery shop, mortified of anyone noticing I was dripping with sweat. I wanted to be as small as possible so no one would see me. Being 5'10" made that impossible.

Fortunately, I work from home but couldn't concentrate on my business because I felt so out of control of my own body. It felt weak. I also felt stupid because I'd helped so many clients heal various ailments with energy work.

Big questions: What would I do if a client had this problem? What visualization would I guide them through to heal their body from the inside out? 🧐

Truth is, I hadn't done for myself what I did for everyone else! Why?

Because my subconscious mind was protecting me from knowing the real (emotional) reason I was having this issue. (I'll disclose this in my workshop)

SIX SOLID WEEKS!!! I was at my wits end. I was scared. I knew doctors would just prescribe drugs or fake hormones I wouldn't take anyway so I didn't go to any.

And I knew that all ailments are caused by emotions... I needed to be my own client. I needed my own energy work.

The energy work took an hour or two. Immediately, the hot flashes stopped and only occurred TWICE that day afterward.

The next day, I said a giant prayer. I told God I'd done everything I'd learned - everything he's put in front of me - and asked him to please take care of the rest.

I've never had another hot flash since that prayer and that was NINE years ago today! Happy Non-Sweaty Anniversary to me! LOL 🤗

From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Workshop info

Remember, no matter what you do or say, your subconscious mind runs 95-99% of your life BY DEFAULT and you only have control over the other 1-5%. That's barely any control at all unless you learn how to tap into it to be your BFF!

I'll send you email tomorrow and address relationship self-sabotage.


I'm walking you through these and more in my 1-hour workshop:

  • The 3 keys to STOP sabotaging yourself and get what you want quicker and easier

  • Visualizations to relax your mind and heal your body to get tuned-in to taking charge

  • An energy reset tool to use during your day to get out of your own way

Option #1: Tuesday May 24 - 6pm Pacific / 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern

Option #2: Thursday May 26 - 9am Pacific / 11am Central / noon Eastern

Early Bird $27 through Mon 8pm Pacific, then $37

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Reasons to attend this workshop: You want things to be perfect before you do them. You put off what is necessary but uncomfortable. You don't feel good enough or capable enough. You worry about what others will think or say. You have more than others so you feel like asking for more is greedy. You get stuck in overthinking. You compare yourself to others. You haven't achieved what you thought you would or could. 😢

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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